Journal of Lutheran Mission Volume: 1 Number: 1 in 2014, p. 32-38
From the first paragraph: We tend to associate the catechisms with teaching the faith to our children. That observation alone suggests that we may connect the catechism more with education than with missions. Perhaps, however, we shouldn't be so quick to do so. After all, in Baptism children are snatched out of the jaws of Satan and transferred to the kingdom of Christ. They go from being a captive of Satan to becoming a child of God. Luther's baptismal booklet makes that abundantly clear. So does the way in which Luther translates Matthew 28 in the Small Catechism: "Go and make disciples of the all heiden" (pagans/heathen), namely, those who stand outside the people of God. And how does one do this? Baptizing and teaching. Thus catechesis certainly does have a mission dimension to it.