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G. H. (George Henry)
The Lutheran Catechist: A Companion Book to "The Lutheran Pastor"
4th rev. ed., (Philadelphia: The Lutheran Publication Society, 1915)
From the Preface: But when we come to the function and activity of the Catechist, especially the English Lutheran Catechist, the case is different. There is no English textbook for our seminaries. The professor must resort to his own lectures on Catechetics. This is a misfortune for the students. No matter how good the lectures may be, they can never take the place of a good text-book in the hands of student and teacher. . . . But the English Catechist . . . needs a plain and practical discussion on the science and art of catechising. There is no English book now on the market that covers this ground. We believe that here is a felt want. To supply this want we have written this book. It is not an explanation of Luther's Catechism. It is intended to help the Catechist to so use the explanations, that his work may be more satisfactory, more fruitful and more filled with delight, both for himself and for his Catechumens.