Strategery — Why is this?

I have been burying the lead.

The front page has been sporting the core points of Dr. Martin Luther’s Preface to the Small Catechism. As great as that is, that does not say why this website exists. Some recent behind the scenes projects of have caused me to realize this. So the front page now has been changed to say:

The Catechism is strategic.

The Catechism is one of the most powerful and recurring engagements of laity by the Church with the truths of Scripture that are able to make one, from childhood, “wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:15)

Through this website, the Editor hopes to stir inclination, focus, encouragement, incentive, morale, knowledge, examples, demonstrations, and resources to:

  1. Parents. Restore the Small Catechism to active use by more parents in the home. Dr. Luther said repeatedly in the Catechism, “As the head of the family should teach it in a simple way to his household.”
  2. Pastors. Provide ideas and resources for pastoral catechesis.
  3. Teachers in Congregations. Provide assistance to teachers in Sunday school, vacation Bible school, Bible camps, and other teaching ministries.

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