Pastors Who Teach the Catechism: Trouble, Labor, Danger, & Trials

Doctor Martin Luther describing the lot of pastors who teach the truth in the Catechism, from his preface to the Small Catechism.

Therefore look to it, ye pastors and preachers! Our ministry is a different thing now from what it was under the pope; it has now become earnest and wholesome. Hence it involves much more trouble and labor, danger and trials, and has but little reward and gratitude in the world. But Christ Himself will be our Reward if we labor faithfully. To this end may the Father of all grace help us; and to Him be praise and thanks forever, through Christ, our Lord!  Amen.

Dr. Martin Luther, Preface, Small Catechism, 1956 WELS-NPH “Gausewitz” translation.

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