Reader Recommendation — Teaching God’s Children His Teaching, Robert Kolb

Member of our Facebook group, John Frahm, recommended Teaching God’s Children His Teaching, by Robert Kolb (Concordia Seminary Press, 2012).

“Classic” and “master” are overused words, but it seems no one disputes that Robert Kolb is a “master teacher” or that this guide is a ” classic introduction to Luther’s Small Catechism.” With recommendations by the likes of John, John Pless, Timothy Wengert, and Vernon Gundermann, you know you ought to take a look. is an Amazon Best Books of 2015.

In this new edition, Robert Kolb, has updated and revised this guide into the study and teaching of Luther’s “marvelous little book,” the Small Catechism. It is designed for educators, pastors, parents, and all who are involved in Christian faith formation.

Kolb explains:

This book was written as a reader for catechists. It contains my understanding of how Luther understood the function and the content of his Catechism, as we might read it at the beginning of the twenty-first century. It is designed to assist pastors and others involved in Christian education as they prepare for teaching the Catechism to adolescents. It is also designed for the parents of those adolescents to read so that they might reinforce what the catechists of the congregation are doing as they instruct the children of the congregation. I hope that it will serve as devotional reading for all who wish to review the Catechism in a slightly different form. Perhaps, too, some pastors will read it as they prepare to preach the Catechism to their congregations.

From Vernon Gundermann, Pastor Emeritus, Concordia Lutheran Church (Kirkwood, Missouri):

Bob Kolb continues to demonstrate his ‘teaching heart’ in this work. He is a teacher’s teacher. Teachers and learners will be affirmed, challenged, and inspired.

From John Pless, Concordia Theological Seminary (Ft. Wayne, Indiana):

Kolb has provided pastors and laity alike with a robust user’s guide to the Small Catechism. Drawing on his rich understanding of Luther’s theology, Kolb has produced a commentary of the Small Catechism that is reflective of the proper distinction of law and Gospel and geared towardChristian confession and vocation in the world.

From Timothy Wengert, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia:

From beginning to end readers will find themselves in the hands of an able guide to this jewel of the Lutheran confessions. Kolb translates his own love for the Small Catechism and a lifetime of experience with it into clear, provocative prose.

This book has many reader ratings at GoodReads. Luke Brown explained his five-star rating:

I had Dr. Kolb for Confessions II at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and always felt I was trying to fill a water glass from a fire hydrant. Here is a great refresher on the wonders of the catechism and what we can emphasize for our adults and young people as we teach them. And I’ll bet you’ll find something you hadn’t thought about. He does a great job of presenting a lot of information quickly in a clear and entertaining way.

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