Bulletin Insert – One Simple Weekly Catechism Reading Plan

In response to the post, “One Simple Catechism Reading Plan,” a pastor commented on Facebook that he was going to print the post as a bulletin insert. If that reading plan has value for his congregation, then perhaps it also has value for other congregations. So here is a link to a revision of the post content and a reformatting of it into a ready-to-print bulletin insert. Please feel free to use it and pass it around if it would be suitable for you.

Another pastor commented that the one week plan looks good to him for the head of the family and for adults in their personal readings, but for family readings with children as young as his, he thought it bit off too much per session. He already had developed a schedule that spread the catechism over a year and tied it to the church calendar. It is brilliant. You’ve got to see it. Having obtained his permission, after some formatting, his schedule will be posted on this site in the near future.

If you have reading plans for using the Small Catechism in the home, would you consider sharing them? There is no one size that fits all. If we can provide a variety of ready-made plans, each person and each family can chose the one most suitable for them. It is not important which plan people use. What is important is that they have a plan, and that it is a plan they actually will use because it suits their situation.

A new page is being created here, “Reading Plans,” to keep whatever plans we can gather handy on the menu from any page on this site.

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